Text Links

By adding a link to your text, you are transforming the text into a text link. Clicking on the text link will send your visitor to the specified destination.

Possible destinations include:

  • Web address – links the text to a specified URL
  • Page – links the text to a specified page on your website
  • Document – links the text to an uploaded document (for example, a Download link)
  • Email – links the text to an email address (this will prompt the visitor’s device to open their default mail program to compose and email to you)
  • Anchor - Anchors are invisible position markers especially important for one-page websites.

Linking text to a web address:

1. Double-click the textbox to open the text editor toolbar.

2. Highlight the text you need to link.

3. Click on the Link icon on the text editor toolbar.


4. Select Web Address from the drop-down menu.

5. Enter the destination web address in the http:// field.

6. Check the box next to Open link in new window option if you want to open the URL in a new browser window.

7. Once you are ready, click OK

Linking text to a page on your website:

1. Click on the Link icon on the text editor toolbar.


2. Select Page from the drop-down menu.

3. Select the destination page from the drop-down menu. 

4. Check the Open link in new window box if you want the destination page to open in a new browser window.

5. Once you are ready, click OK.

Linking text to a document:

1. Click on the Link icon on the text editor toolbar.


2. Select Document from the drop-down menu.

3. Click on Click to insert document to upload/choose the destination document. 

4. Check the Open link in new window box if you want the destination document to open in a new browser window.

5. Once you are ready, click OK.

Linking text to an email address:

1. Click on the Link icon on the text editor toolbar.


2. Select Email from the drop-down menu.

3. Enter the destination email address. This is the address to which the visitor’s mail program will compose and send the email.

4. Enter the email subject. This email subject will be inserted into the email to be composed/sent. 

5. Once you are ready, click OK.

Linking text to an anchor:

1. Click on the Link icon on the text editor toolbar.


2. Select Anchor from the drop-down menu.

3. Select the anchor section from the drop-down menus.

4. Once you are ready, click OK.