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Form Submission Confirmations

Available Confirmation options include:

  • Thank You Message
  • Email Confirmation
  • Page Redirection

Thank-You message on your Form Page:

You can create a custom message to your form users to let them know their form has been submitted. This message will be displayed on your form page once the user has clicked on the Submit button on your form.

1. Click on your form to open the Web Form panel.

2. Select Form Settings.


3. Click on the Confirmation tab.

4. To display the confirmation message on your form page, enter the message in the Custom Page Message textbox. If you leave this field blank, the default “Form Submitted” message will be displayed.


5. When ready, click Done.


Thank-You message sent by Email:

You can create a custom email confirmation that will be sent to your form users to let them know their form has been submitted.

*NOTE: This function is only applicable if there is an “Email Address” field on your form and the form user has provided a valid email address.


1. Click on your form to open the Web Form panel.

2. Select Form Settings.


3. Click on the Confirmation tab.

4. Enter the message in the Custom Email Message textbox. If you leave this field blank, the default “Form Submitted” confirmation message will be sent.

5. When ready, click Done.


Page redirection:

You can redirect your form users to a specific page upon the submission of a form. We recommend using this function if you have created a specific landing page or a Thank-You page for your form users.

1. Click on your form to open the Web Form panel.

2. Select Form Settings.


3. Click on the General tab.

4. Enter the page URL in the Page Redirection URL field. For example, http://www.yourdomain.com/thankyou.html


5. When ready, click Done.