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Google Search

The Google Search widget allows you to add a Google search bar to your website.

Adding Google Search widget:

1. From the left menu of the Editor, click Add.

2. Click Others and select Google Search.


3. The search bar is added to your page. Drag and drop the widget to the desired location on your web page. Drag the corners of the widget to resize it to fit within the dimensions of the desired location.

4. Click on the search bar to open the Google Custom Search panel. Click on Edit Engine ID.

5. Enter your Google Engine ID in the Engine ID field.

6. When ready, click anywhere outside the Google Custom Search  panel to close it. Changes will be saved automatically.

Where to find your Google Engine ID?

You will need to login to your Google Custom Search Engine account to get your Engine ID.

1. Open the Google Custom Search Engine page, https://cse.google.com/cse/, on your browser. 

2. If you already have an account, you will need to log into your Google Custom Search account. If you don't have a Google Custom Search account, you can sign up for one - it's free!

3. Once you've logged into your Google Custom Search account, you will be asked to enter your website information. Enter your domain name. When ready, click Create.

4. Once your Engine ID has been created, you will see the Congratulations... screen. Click on Control Panel.

5. On the Control Panel screen, click Search Engine ID. Copy and paste the ID onto the Custom Search Engine panel in your Website.com editor.