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Add an RSVP Card

RSVP cards incorporate buttons, and are a great way to allow visitors to easily RSVP to an event, reserve a service, or place an order through your site. Be sure to link the button on the RSVP card to an anchor or a page with a contact form.

  1. To add a card, from the left menu, click Add.
  2. Click Card. You will see all the different card options. Select the RSVP Card.
  3. Click on the element to see the “Manage Content” mini toolbar appear. With these tools, you can edit the slider image and caption content, change the gallery settings (including slide transitions, user motivated animations, and more), or adjust the width of the card. You can also click on the … (More) button to customize the style of various aspects of the card.
  4. Click on different areas on the element to customize specific areas. Different editing options will appear, depending on where you click on the card. Editing options include: Change Content Box Style, Edit Title, Edit Caption, Edit Button, Change Image, Change Text
  5. Link the button to a page or anchor with a web form.